The Idea Pit


Some people put their bad ideas in a graveyard. I prefer to throw mine in a deep pit at the edge of my website, where I provide just enough sustenance to keep them alive. But can you really call it life?


Feature Film

Doctor in the Dark

Gerald is a student of hypnotherapy with a unique problem: every time he attempts to hypnotize his patients, they poop their pants.

In his quest to get to the bottom of this disturbing phenomenon, Gerald unearths a dark conspiracy stretching back eons that leads him to question his very identity.

(It’s a lineage of hypnotists that make people poop their pants.)



LAyered Hamilton

Every week, surfing legend Laird Hamilton will do a deep dive on the thematic intricacies and rich layers of Lin-Manuel Miranda’s groundbreaking musical Hamilton.

“What was it like to surf the Teahupoʻo break, the heaviest wave ever recorded?” callers-in will ask.

“I’m sorry,” Laird will reply. “Please keep the questions related to the musical Hamilton.”

The Harry Potter Christmas Scene Commemorative Coin

Do you remember the Christmas scene from the first Harry Potter movie? Here, I’ll answer for you – yes.

You remember it because it’s the single most heartwarming scene in all of cinematic history. Harry emerges atop the balcony of house Gryffindor to the sight of a fantastical Christmas wonderland full of presents, candy, and best friend Ron. In this moment there is no pain or hardship, only fuzzy British warmth.

Such a feeling can never be recaptured. But it can be remembered. And for a limited you can own a part of the Harry Potter Christmas scene legacy with your very own Harry Potter Christmas scene commemorative coin. What’s three easy payments of $19.95 to a lifetime of treasured memories?

Social Media trend

The landlord Challenge

The Ice Bucket challenge taught us the power of social media and what a simple goofy stunt can do for the greater good. The landlord challenge is the next step in raising awareness with fun, viral content. To perform this challenge, all you have to do is record yourself asking your landlord if they listen to the band Tool. Then, you nominate five friends who will ask their own landlords if they listen to Tool.

As individuals we are weak, but if we band together as an online community we can make great things happen. That’s what the landlord challenge is all about.


Sample landlord

TV Show

Over my Dad Body!

What happens when you combine an everyday dad, the world’s most prolific fingerboarder, and the budget of a top TV network? Barrels of fun for the whole family every Thursday at 7:30 central, that’s what.

Each episode documents a different dad, detailing their home life, work life, hobbies and dreams. It all culminates in a big celebratory stunt in which their tubby belly gets absolutely tricked on by Tech Deck stunt-master Ricky Barbello in front of a live studio audience. Using the physics of a regular skateboard, but applied to the hand, Ricky and the dad will stunt their way to top of the Nielsen charts.

 REar Window, DEleted Scene

Social tactic

The Fired Department

The Fired Department isn’t really a project. It’s more of a tip. If you’ve recently been fired or laid off, and your significant other’s friends ask you what you do for work, just tell them you work for “the Fired Department”. The beauty is that when spoken out loud, it sounds just like Fire Department. And if you ever get called out, you technically didn’t lie.

Important note: you’re gonna wanna change the topic pretty quickly. Also, try not to say this around firefighters. Also, avoid getting fired as best you can.

Would you steal their valor to avoid an awkward interaction?
What if they never had to know?


general principle

This cute lil’ fella is an army general that lends unwarranted advice to people who are about to do something morally questionable.

“As a General Principle,” he’d declare, “I wouldn’t go around stealin’ pies from windowsills, Tommy!”

But one day, he unlocks memories of his time in the war. The horrors he saw, the horrors he became…the principles he forfeited. Make no bones about it–there’s a world of turmoil on the horizon for our bouncy little general. Here’s hoping the characters that inhabit his cartoon universe aren’t left picking up the pieces.

The artist behind this stock image will never know just how well they nailed this.


Randy is the Best Dad